Account Register Template for Microsoft Excel

Similar to a virtual checkbook for Microsoft Excel, the Account Register shows a running balance of your accounts and includes each transaction's date, description, and amount.

About the Account Register Template for Microsoft Excel

“A community member asked if there was anything like a ‘Checkbook Register’ that not only includes the date, description, and amount of a transaction but a running balance so you can see what remains in your account. A few others have asked for similar functionality, and I thought the code required is similar to a few templates I’ve already released or are in the works, so I was able to throw this together pretty quickly.”

via the author of this template, @jpfieber


Getting a reliable running balance requires having a reliable starting balance. Because of this, the “Account Register” template relies on the “Account Reconciliation” template.

You can find information on installing and using Account Reconciliation here Once installed, take the time to fully reconcile the accounts that you’d like to use in the “Account Register” template.

“Account Register” gets its list of accounts and their opening dates and balances from “Account Reconciliation”, so it’s an important step.

Once you have that done:

  1. Download the Account Register workbook
  2. Follow these instructions to copy the downloaded template into your Excel workbook and to connect the formula references to your local workbook data. (The instructions are for the desktop version of Excel, the web version is not recommended for the installation but does work once the Account Register sheet is installed.)
    At this point your new template should be functional and linked to your local workbook’s data.


Once the template has been copied, it’s a simple matter of choosing the account you want to see the register for, and the time period you’d like to see the transactions from, both selections are highlighted in green. Everything looks correct in my setup (the balances match those on my Balance sheet), but use caution and don’t base any important financial decisions on this template without double-checking the numbers!


I kept this pretty simple, mimicking the functionality of a real checkbook register. Note that its use isn’t limited to checking accounts, it should work fine with any accounts that you reconcile transactions for in Account Reconciliation. There’s also a Google Sheets version here.

Support & Documentation


Unless otherwise noted above, this is a free template built by a member of the Tiller Community. Some community templates may only be accessible via the Tiller Money Feeds add-on, which requires a Tiller free trial or subscription to use. Additionally, it’s recommended for use within the Foundation Template.

Tiller is the only automated personal finance service for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. Tiller automatically imports your daily spending, income, and balances in your spreadsheets, so you can see all your finances in one place and manage your money, your way. Learn more →

Follow the instructions above to install this template. Some community templates can be installed using Tiller Money Feeds. See Installation details above.

This template for Excel works best when installed in Tiller’s Foundation Template.

Review the Support and Documentation section in the template details above to learn how to get support for this template in the Tiller Community.

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