Category Rollup Report for Google Sheets

The Category Rollup report organizes your financial data based on details including date, description, amount, and more.

About the Category Rollup Report

The Category Rollup report organizes your financial data based on the configuration settings you chose and then by type (income, expense, or transfer), group, category, and then the transaction details including date, description, amount, and note.

The Category Rollup Report is a static view of your data. It’s perfect for archiving reports by set time periods. If you make changes to the transactions sheet (like recategorizing transactions or adding in manual transactions) after the report has already been generated, the report will not automatically update with those changes.

Support & Documentation


Unless otherwise noted above, this is a free template built by a member of the Tiller Community. Some community templates may only be accessible via the Tiller Money Feeds add-on, which requires a Tiller free trial or subscription to use. Additionally, it’s recommended for use within the Foundation Template.

Tiller is the only automated personal finance service for Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. Tiller automatically imports your daily spending, income, and balances in your spreadsheets, so you can see all your finances in one place and manage your money, your way. Learn more →

Unless otherwise noted above, this free template is installed with the Tiller Community Solutions add-on for Google Sheets. It's an easy way to browse and install dozens of free, prebuilt sheets for tracking budgets, debt payoff goals, net worth, savings, and more, all from the Google Sheets sidebar. Some community templates can be installed using Tiller Money Feeds. See Installation details above.

This template for Excel works best when installed in Tiller’s Foundation Template.

Review the Support and Documentation section in the template details above to learn how to get support for this template in the Tiller Community.

Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for rdy373 rdy373 says:

    @heather Is there a way to get the transaction notes to show up in the category rollup? I noticed a “Note” field on the category rollup, but it doesn’t seem to pull the note from the line from the transactions. It would be helpful when reviewing the rollup, because I do make notes on some transactions

  2. @rdy373,

    I think that the column header in Transactions has to be just “Note” and it will pull it in vs plural “Notes” - it’s just pulling from a column called Note.

  3. Finding this very useful, thank you!

    Is there a way I can automatically e-mail myself a monthly report based on this sheet every two weeks?

  4. Hi @galatic_incipient,

    We don’t have that as an automated option right now.

    If you’re comfortable in Google Sheets, you can try modifying the script documented in this blog post on the Tiller Money Blog to email you that specific sheet.

    @jono wrote this up a couple years ago, and it’s very specific to a template that’s no longer available. We haven’t updated it simply because it was intended to be an experimental workflow for folks so you would have to tinker with it to get it to work for this category rollup report.

    Otherwise, I’d recommend adding a feature request to have an option to email you a snapshot of a sheet via the Tiller Labs add-on.


  5. Avatar for jono jono says:

    Hi @galatic_incipient,
    As @Heather mentioned, I did provide an example on how to email yourself a sheet in that post several years ago. That particular script would only work with a specific template but it shows the necessary Google Script code and process to send automatic emails.

    As far as using it with the Category Rollup Report, there would need to be an additional step. Since this sheet needs to be manually generated and doesn’t automatically update, the script would also have to generate the report every two weeks and then email it. Google Scripts can certainly make something like that happen.

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