About the Transaction Comparison Spreadsheet
Easily compare transactions from one time period against transactions from another time period in a Tiller-powered spreadsheet.
From Tiller Community member and spreadsheet builder @jpfieber:
“This template allows you to specify two time periods in a Tiller spreadsheet, then filter transactions by Category and/or Tag.
By default, it will compare all transactions from January of 2021 against those from January of 2022. You can change those start and end dates and can filter the transactions down to a Category, a Tag, or both (only transactions that have that Category AND that Tag).
A ‘Total Amount’ appears at the top of each list to make it easy to compare the overall total of all the transactions shown.”
Visit this template’s dedicated thread in the Tiller Community
GREAT idea! Unfortunately, I hit a snag that I’m not smart enough to noodle out.
I get a ref error in B5
I’m guessing you don’t have a ‘Tags’ column on your Transactions sheet? I guess I laid everything out assuming it would be there. The quick fix would be to add one. I’ll have to figure out how to handle sheets that don’t have one though, since many people don’t use tags.
YEP!! I just slapped a column to the far right and added the word Tag to it. No bueno, of course, so then I changed it to Tags and YAHOOO!!
This is a fabulous addition to the Tiller arsenal. Thank you!!
No problem. I’ll figure out how to better handle the absence of a Tag column. Let me know if you run into any other issues or have suggestions!
OK, I figured out a quick fix if you don’t want a Tags column. I’ve updated the template with these changes, so you could delete the sheet and recopy it, or you can change the following two cells in your existing sheet (you’ll need to unhide the columns on the right side of the sheet):
Basically, if I don’t find a Tags column, I have the query look at the empty ‘A’ column on the Transactions sheet instead.