The Only Automated Debt Payoff Planner for Google Sheets and Excel

Automatically track all your credit cards, loans, and other liabilities in one place, customize your payoff plan, and accelerate your journey to debt freedom.

With Tiller’s flexible Debt Payoff Planner template, you can automatically track all your debt in one place and create a custom plan to pay it off.

“I’m blown away by the simplicity, flexibility, and power of Tiller.”
★★★★★ Troy Danka, 02/23/24
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Tiller’s Debt Payoff Planner Spreadsheet

Simplify Your Financial Tracking and Focus on What Matters Most

Create a clear plan, eliminate debt faster, and take control of your financial future with Tiller’s easy-to-use debt payoff planner.

Tiller’s Debt Payoff Planner Spreadsheet

See All Your Accounts in One Place 

Tiller automatically imports your daily spending and balances from all linked accounts, so you can catch up with your money at a glance.

Learn Your Spending Habits

Identify areas to cut back and free up more money for debt payoff with Tiller’s insightful Spending Trends sheet.

Create a Quick Budget 

Easily make a budget that factors in your debt payoff goals with Tiller’s customizable Foundation Template.

Create Your Custom Payoff Plan

Choose Your Payoff Strategy

Use the debt snowball, avalanche, or a custom ranking method to optimize your debt payoff and stay motivated.

Experiment With “What-If” Scenarios

See how different payment amounts and timelines impact your debt freedom date, and make a plan that works for your unique situation.

Track Your Progress 

Watch your balances shrink over time and celebrate each milestone on your debt payoff journey.

Personalize Your Spreadsheet to Manage Your Money, Your Way

Personalize Your Budget Categories

Create custom categories, subcategories, and auto-categorization rules that make sense for you.

Choose Your Budgeting Method 

Use Tiller’s Foundation Template as-is, or customize it to use your preferred budgeting method and style.

Make It Your Own 

Modify your spreadsheets with custom charts, fonts, and colors – it’s all up to you.

Through a series of viral TikTok videos and national media profiles, writer and producer Jamie Feldman is boldly sharing her struggle with $18,000 in credit card debt.

She’s also sharing her steady progress toward paying it off.

In a recent Time essay, Jamie described the turning point in her journey: confiding in a close friend. “I was convinced she’d see me differently,” Jamie writes. Instead, “she taught me how to stop avoiding the problem.” And she taught Jamie how to use Tiller.

Jamie’s life has transformed since then.

Using Tiller’s spreadsheet budgets, Jamie has taken control of her finances. And she continues to practice accountability by documenting her journey– often hilariously – on TikTok, her newsletter, and podcast.

She’s more intentional with her spending and belongs to a community of people who see beyond her debt.

In an NPR profile, Jamie says her goal is not only to be debt-free but also to avoid the negative feeling of overspending.

With the right tools, like Tiller’s spreadsheets, and a supportive community, it’s possible to make real progress away from stress and toward debt freedom.

Start Your Free Trial

Keep a clear, confident view of all your money in one place, with flexible templates, powerful privacy, and top-rated support

"There isn’t another tool on the market that does what Tiller can do.”
Will Hinton, Google Review October 30, 2023