How to Export Amazon Orders to Excel and Google Spreadsheets (Updated for May 2023)

Here's how to easily export Amazon orders into Excel and Google spreadsheets, plus tips for organizing and categorizing your purchase history.

Amazon has recently changed how you access your Amazon order history, but the instructions on how to im

But once you’ve downloaded your CSV files from Amazon, you probably want to view them in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. That way you can analyze your purchase history with custom reports and visualizations, or back it up for safekeeping.

Here’s how to get started.

How to Export Amazon Order History for Microsoft Excel

Amazon Item Report Uploaded to Microsoft Excel

Here are instructions for importing your Amazon Order History to Microsoft Excel:

  1. Log into your Microsoft account
  2. Click Excel
  3. Click Upload on the right side of the screen (some browsers allow you to simply drop the file in the browser window)
  4. Your Amazon report is now available for deeper analysis and archiving in Microsoft Excel

How to Export Amazon Order History for Google Sheets

Amazon Item Report Uploaded to Google Sheets

Here are instructions for importing your Amazon Order History to Microsoft Excel:

  1. Login to your Google Account and open a new Google Spreadsheet
  2. Click Open > Upload
  3. Drop your Amazon CSV file into the window or click “Select a file from your device”
  4. Your Amazon report is now available for deeper analysis and archiving in Google Sheets

Easier Amazon Order History Tracking With Tiller

If you already use Tiller, you know it’s the fastest, easiest way to manage your financial life with the flexibility of a spreadsheet.

That’s because Tiller automatically updates Google Sheets and Excel with your daily financial transactions. No more data entry, CSV bank files, or logging into multiple accounts.

Tiller already pulls in each of your Amazon order transactions, which look like this in Google Sheets:

However, you might want to track your Amazon purchases in greater detail.

For example, the $50 Amazon purchase above might include items you want to categorize individually for more accurate tracking.

You could manually update the order line by line. But if you’re using Tiller to track your money, it’s much faster to use the free CSV Importer from the Tiller Community.

CSV Importer for Amazon, Venmo, Apple Card, YNAB, Mint, PayPal

The CSV Importer streamlines the itemization of your Amazon orders into discrete line items in Google Sheets powered by Tiller.

As explained in the Tiller Community, “the magic of the add-on is that you will see discrete purchases that can be categorized without clumsy splits or time spent cross-referencing the Amazon site.”

The CSV Importer:

  • Automatically creates offsets to keep your cash flow reporting accurate
  • Creates new rows for each item purchased
  • Shows exactly what you paid for each item
  • Pulls in each product’s name and details

Once your order history is imported into your Tiller-powered Google spreadsheet, you can then categorize each transaction according to your preferences. In this example, we’re putting these items in our Supplies, Technolgy, and Pets categories:

You can manually categorize your Amazon items, or run AutoCat to efficiently auto-categorize some or all transactions based on custom rules.

To learn more about the CSV Importer, visit this thread in the Tiller Community. Comment there with any thoughts or questions!

Edward Shepard

Edward Shepard

Marketing Lead at Tiller. Writer. Spreadsheet nerd. Get in touch with partnership ideas at edward @

Notable Replies

  1. Huge tiller fan here.
    This looks great. Is there any way for this tool to work with any bank? Isn’t it all about identifying and matching the right column headers?

    I had a solid workflow but once Yodlee stopped supporting UK (and many other) financial services it all broke.
    For now I’m trying to use formulas in G Sheets to trim and re-format the CSVs to match the tiller layout/format and paste but this solution is rather slow.
    I’ve also seen a python script (htt*s:// the would format the csv data from Apple Card to work with tiller.
    The code probably needs to be adjusted as probably has the potential to work with any bank/financial institution?

  2. Avatar for randy randy says:

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying Tiller, @Mariusz.

    The tool can work with other banks but currently works with a preset list of remapping rules for known import types. (It is not currently programmed to recognize column names and dynamically remap them.)

    I think we’ve got Apple Card working though sometimes the outputs (and thereby unrecognized) are slightly different when using them internationally.

    I hope we are able to support you soon in the UK.


  3. Hi @randy! also a big fan of tiller. I accidentally posted this in the old standalone Amazon addon article earlier today but was pointed here. I actually was using the Tiller Labs Add-on (not the standalone) when I wrote this:

    “Hi @randy, I have a personal and business amazon account. Worked great for the personal, but as noted above, didnt work for the business export. I took the from Personal Items Report export that worked and edited the business export to mimic the exact data / template structure / column headers. However on upload it just gets stuck on the processing the data step (with the dots gif).I cant figure out why it wont work. I imagine something simple i’m missing. Any chance you would be willing to peek at my CSV to see what is causing the snag? If you can help figure it out, I can write a quick little script to convert business exports to personal export template for others with the same issue to use until amazon business is supported. Cheers!”

    Sounds like I’ve been trying to the same thing as @Mariusz. Would love to get this working as it would save me a ton of time. If you’re willing to take a quick look at the csv file im trying to import to see why its not working I’d truly appreciate it and would write a script to help others in the same predicament. Thanks!

  4. Avatar for randy randy says:

    I haven’t built an importer for an Amazon business export yet. It probably isn’t a huge project and I’m willing to take a look at the feasibility in the coming week, @ellisar.

    The file you shared looks really similar to the Amazon Personal export. I assume that is the version of the CSV that you massaged to make it look like an Amazon personal file and not the original business export. Can you confirm this?

    If you’re willing to share a bit of an Amazon business export, I’ll have a look into working up a dedicated import rule set. Just send me the first few rows (especially the header) via DM in this forum. Feel free to scrub any personal info.


    P.S. In the interim, if you want to ingest the file you shared, just add a column called Group Name in AJ1 and try re-importing.

    P.P.S. I deleted the attachment from your post for your privacy.

  5. @randy That is great to hear. I appreciate your willingness to look into it so soon.

    That is correct, the version I sent you was an Amazon Business Order Report Export. Almost all of the data was exactly the same with just slightly different abbreviations for column names (plus the business export had a lot more columns to sift through to find the required ones). Pretty much only had to change column names to Amazon (Personal) Items Report names and concatenate 2 cells into 1 for 1 column.

    Will DM the Business export now. And awesome! Will give the Group Name column addition a go in the morning – will report back! Truly appreciate your help with this.


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