18 Best Personal Finance Newsletters to Optimize Your Money

These top recommended personal finance newsletters will help you maximize your money with the latest content about investing, wealth, and the economy.

Here are eighteen smartly written, trustworthy newsletters about personal finance, investing, and the economy. Each will deliver actionable perspectives and insights to help you grow your money.

Personal finance newsletters are one of the most convenient, efficient and enjoyable ways to continuously grow your money knowledge and confidence. Plus, most of them are free!

You don’t need to be a money nerd to enjoy these personal finance newsletters – but you’ll certainly become a money nerd after a few days of receiving them in your inbox.

Morning Brew

A daily email newsletter covering the latest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley. Informative, witty, and everything you need to start your day.

Example article: What does $900 million get you at Starbucks?


Money Moves

Alicia Adamczyk edits Lifehacker’s Two Cents finance site. On the side, she somehow finds time to publish the “Money Moves” newsletter, with the tag “Money, demystified.” It’s an especially thoughtful look at personal finance, spending, and saving.

Example article: “Finding affordable mental health care

Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter


“Understand today’s financial news within 3 minutes. For free.”

Example article: Out come the knives – On Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF – a sort of bank for countries) slashed its forecasts for global economic growth in 2018 and 2019″

Daily | Subscribe |  Follow on Twitter4. Behavior Gap

With the Behavior Gap email, author Carl Richards covers money, creativity, happiness, and health with a simple sketch and a few hand-crafted words. “It will take you less than 2 minutes to read, but you’ll be thinking about it all day.”

Example post: “The Cost of Holding On

Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

Quartz Daily Brief

Chances are, you already receive this newsletter about “the most important and interesting news from the global economy.” But if not, you should.

Example post: “A surprising number of Americans say they have their dream job.”

Daily | Subscribe | Twitter

I Will Teach You to be Rich

The cornerstone newsletter for Ramit Sethi’s “I Will Teach” empire. It’s a useful and opinionated take on making and managing money. Especially relevant for freelancers.

Example post: “How to make money fast: 8 best ways to make money in 2018” Recent example post: “How to make money fast: 8 best ways to make money in 2018

Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

The Balance

“The Balance makes personal finance easy to understand.” It’s a beautifully designed daily email based on a library of more than 9,000 articles about investing, managing money, buying real estate, and more. Essential.

Example post: The Best Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms for Investors

Daily | Subscribe | Twitter

The Payoff from Mic

“Making money explained” from the popular Millennial-focused publication.

Example post: “What to do when everyone asks you for “help” — which means doing your job for free.”

Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

Daily Worth

“Every woman’s guide to money and business. Investing doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving is not selfish. And spending doesn’t have to be accompanied by guilt.”

Recent post: “7 Ways to Make Returning to Work After Maternity Leave Easier” 

Daily | Subscribe | Their Twitter is inactive

Your Money from New York Times

Every week, get tips on retirement, paying for college, credit cards and the right way to invest. Simple and essential.

Example post: 3 Investments That May Have Hit Their Peak”  

Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

Wall Street Journal Newsletters

The WSJ offers a couple dozen newsletters. They’re all great, but much of their content will be inaccessible for non-subscribers. The two most essential newsletter are:

  • What’s News –  a digest of the day’s most important business and markets news to watch.
  • The 10-Point – A personal, guided tour to the best scoops and stories every day in The Wall Street Journal.

Daily / Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

The Hustle

“The important stories in business, tech, and culture that you should probably know. Bite-sized, all in one email.”

Example post: “A decade before crypto, one digital currency conquered the world — then failed spectacularly”  

Daily | Subscribe | Twitter

Market Snacks

“A digestible daily newsletter that simplifies Wall Street. We filter out the noise and explain what’s important in one bite-sized snack – clear, condensed, and entertaining.”

Daily | Subscribe | Twitter

Money Under 30

Learn how to pay off debt quickly, become a better saver, earn more money on the job and on the side, and how to become a confident investor.

Recent example post: “How To Invest: The Smart Way To Make Your Money Grow

Daily | Subscribe | Twitter

Rockstar Finance Daily Digest

Hand-picked personal finance articles in your inbox curated from hundreds of diverse personal finance blogs. “The go-to site for the best personal finance content.”

Daily | Subscribe | Twitter

Clark Howard

Clark.com offers a few quality newsletters. Start with the main newsletter, which features a daily update of personal finance tips, scam warnings, reviews and deals.

Recent post: Should I roll over my 401(k) into an IRA when leaving my job?”

Daily / Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

Tiller Money Memo

Our own weekly newsletter for people committed to their financial journey and always curious to learn more.

Each week the Memo delivers fresh and interesting links about personal finance, investing, and money management from top sources around the internet, along with stories about how money shapes our experience of the world.

Weekly | Subscribe | Twitter

The Penny Hoarder Daily

Example post: “Ever Been Bumped Off a Flight? The Airline Could Owe You $700”  

Numlock News and 538

Numlock News: a daily newsletter highlighting the context and importance of the numbers in the news: Subscribe | Twitter

FiveThirtyEight: Insightful data-driven analysis of politics, economics, science, life, sports in a weekly newsletter: Subscribe | Twitter

More Personal Finance Learning Resources:

Edward Shepard

Edward Shepard

Marketing Lead at Tiller. Writer. Spreadsheet nerd. Get in touch with partnership ideas at edward @ tillerhq.com.

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