Paying off debt is one of the biggest, most popular financial goals in the US.
Here at Tiller, we know this is also true for many of our subscribers. The Debt Payoff Planner is one of the most popular templates from Tiller Community Solutions. And debt is a recurring topic of conversion in the Tiller Community.
Refreshing Tiller’s Debt Payoff Workflows – With Your Help!
Tiller will soon refresh our debt payoff workflows. But first, we wanted your feedback about the features you might find most useful in a spreadsheet-based debt payoff solution.
Please share your opinion in this quick, 3-minute survey.
From the responses, we will choose five winners for a Tiller tee shirt or hat – your choice!
This survey is anonymous
You don’t need to leave an email address to participate in this survey. However, to qualify for the drawing, or participate in our live roundtable discussion, you will need to leave an email address where we can contact you.
Your input could help you and thousands of others pay off their debt faster
The survey only takes a couple of minutes, but its impact will be significant. We are committed to helping people manage their debt along with their other financial goals, because as we always say money matters because life matters more.
Feeling in control of debt is a big piece of that puzzle.
Thanks to everyone who completed our survey! We have contacted our five winners today.
Feel free to complete the survey to share feedback, but the prize period is now closed.