Category Rollup Report for Google SheetsThe Category Rollup report organizes your financial data based on details including date, description, amount, and more.forGoogle Sheets Templates
Rename Category Tool for Tiller SpreadsheetsRename a category or to merge one category into another category in Google Sheets powered by Tiller.forGoogle Sheets Templates
Yearly Category ChartSee a chart of your actual vs budget for a single category over the course of a year.forGoogle Sheets Templates
Weekly Spending by Category ReportQuickly see how much you’ve spent in a specific category over a customizable number of weeks with the Weekly Analysis sheet.forGoogle Sheets Templates
Category Rollup Report for Google SheetsThe Category Rollup report organizes your financial data based on your configuration settings.forGoogle Sheets Templates
Category Tracker Report for Google SheetsBuild a pie chart visualizing your spending and income over a completely customizable date range with the Category Tracker Report for Google Sheets.forGoogle Sheets Templates
Category Tracker for Microsoft ExcelBuild a pie chart visualizing your spending and income over a completely customizable date range with the Category Tracker Report for Microsoft Excel.forMicrosoft Excel Templates
Start Your Free Trial Keep a clear, confident view of all your money in one place, with flexible templates, powerful privacy, and top-rated support Start Your Free Trial "There isn’t another tool on the market that does what Tiller can do.”Will Hinton, Google Review October 30, 2023