Using Tags to Track Shared Expenses in Google Sheets

When you’re splitting budget categories down the middle it can be tricky to know who has spent the most so far in a month. Our tags spending tracker Google Sheet makes this an easy riddle to solve. Learn how to get started with shared expense tagging in your Tiller spreadsheet.

If you budget with a spouse or partner it’s common to need to know who spent how much on what.

With the Tiller Foundation Template it’s super easy to set up a budget for your shared expenses and income. But how does Diane know whether she is spending more than Jack on groceries each month when they plan to split it down the middle?

Our handy tags sheet can help you solve this riddle. It’s also great for any other detailed reporting you might need where using a single category doesn’t suffice. For example, if you’re a small business owner you could use this for tracking expenses related to a specific project or client and it’s really easy to see the tagged data across a custom date range.

Learn more about how to use and set up the Tags sheet on the Tiller Money Community here.

How to Use a Spreadsheet to Manage Shared Expenses

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How to Set Up Tiller When You Share Expenses

Heather Phillips

Heather Phillips

Heather comes from a background of user experience design & customer support. She loves helping others learn, explore and discover better ways to use applications and products that improve their lives. When she’s not coaching customers on Tiller best practices, tweeting or writing blogs, she’s probably at a yoga class, out for a hike in the Blue Ridge, or off volunteering for a variety of non-profits.

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