This is a 3XL Title
This is a page subheading. It’s 28px, 1.3 height, #718093
Colors (this is a 2XL title)

#2E86DE Tiller Blue
Our brand color, used for links, accents, logo. Almost never for backgrounds anymore!

#041E37 Blue-Black
All titles and most body text is rendered in this color.

#718093 Dark Gray
This is mostly used for sub-headings and meta text.

#DCDDE1 Medium Gray
This is used for sub-headings and (rarely) some backgrounds.
#EFEFF1 Very Light Gray
This is used for some backgrounds
#F6F5F0 Light Background
Preferred background color, as seen in the title above.
#FDFDFD – White
Use for backgrounds and text on dark backgrounds.
CTA Color
Only use this color to bring people to the pricing page or sign up for Tiller
#6AC75A Success Green
Use for success text and buttons – do not use for CTA buttons
#F9C45C Sometimes you need yellow
So here’s some yellow
#EE5253 – Red
Using Boxes
Padding is 35px all around. Border width is 1px. The radius is 3px, and the border color is #dddddd. Text is 16px, dark gray #718093
These are our three background colors; try to avoid using dark blue or Tiller blue as a background
Background surface 1: #F6F5F0
Background surface 2: #EFEFF1
Background surface 2: #FDFDFD
Tiller uses the Roboto Font in three weights. We almost never use italics in any weight. It’s a bit boring, but totally functional at all sizes, and works well in spreadsheets. Download Roboto here. This is a P1 sub-headline.
- Roboto 400 (normal)
- Roboto 700 (bold)
- Roboto 500 (medium)
3XL-Large Title
- Size: 80px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.2em
- Spacing: -.5px
- Color: #041E37
2XL Title
- Size: 64px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.2em
- Spacing: -.2px
- Color: #041E37
XL Title
- Size: 48px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.2em
- Spacing: -.2px
- Color: #041E37
Title 1 (H1)
- Size: 38px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.2em
- Spacing: -.3px
- Color: #041E37
Title 2 (H2)
- Size 30px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.3em
- Spacing: -.2px
- Color: #041E37
Title 3 (H3)
- Size: 24px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.3em
- Spacing: 0px
- Color: #041E37
Title 4 (H4)
- Size: 20px
- Weight: Bold (700)
- Height: 1.3em
- Spacing: 0px
- Color: #041E37
Paragraph 1
Used as sub-headline paired with H1 and H2, blog excerpts, product details
- Size: 24px
- Weight: Normal (400)
- Height: 1.3em
- Spacing: 0px
- Color: #041E37
Paragraph 2 / H5
- Size: 20px
- Weight: Normal (400)
- Height: 1.4em
- Spacing: 0px
- Color: #041E37
Paragraph 3 / H6
- Size: 18px
- Weight: Normal (400)
- Height: 1.5em
- Spacing: 0px
- Color: #718093
- Size: 20px
- Height: 1.5
- Spacing: 0px
- Font color: #041E37
Small text
- Size: 16px
- Height: 1.5
- Spacing: 0px
- Font color: #041E37
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