Spreadsheets are a framework for evaluating choices! Which brand of jeans should I buy? Which restaurant should we go? To which colleges should I apply?
The folks at the website Spreadsheet Solving created a simple and useful Google Sheets-based framework for scoring criteria to help make informed decisions.
This spreadsheet helps sort options by criteria you truly value.
Using the framework, you can define a set of relevant criteria and then score each choice by that criteria to select the highest ranked option.
In the example above, someone is trying to decide what video game to purchase. Their critera includes options such as “multi-player” and “price.”
Each gets scored based on preference and importance before summing final scores.
How to Get the Framework
To view Spreadsheet Solving’s spreadsheet, click here.
Learn how the spreadsheet works and how you can modify it to you needs here.
Re. Ranking spreadsheets. It’s a foul to use arithmetic on ordinal values. 1, 2,3 can also be expressed as a b c or cat bird monkey. No arithmetic